American Go Association
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How popular is

Alexa Traffic Ranks
The global and country traffic ranks show how popular a site is relative to other sites.

Unique Visitors and Pageviews
The number of people who visit this site and the number of pages they view. Site owners who install the Alexa Certify Code on their website can choose to display their Certified Metrics, such as Monthly Unique Visitors and Pageviews, if they wish. Coming soon, estimated metrics will be displayed for many sites if Certified Metrics are not available.

Alexa Traffic Ranks

How is this site ranked relative to other sites?

Global Rank Alexa Traffic Rank
A rough estimate of this site's popularity.

The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

Updated Daily

Global rank icon1,315,095 314,905
  • -314905%

Rank in United States Traffic Rank in Country
A rough estimate of this site's popularity in a specific country.

The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site from users from that country over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country.

Updated Daily

United States Flag345,479  
  • %
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How engaged are visitors to

How engaged are visitors to this site?
Engagement metrics help you understand how interested a site's visitors are with the site's content. The metrics are updated daily based on the trailing 3 months.

Bounce Rate (%)
Percentage of visits to the site that consist of a single pageview.

Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Estimated daily unique pageviews per visitor on the site.

Daily Time on Site
Estimated daily time on site (mm:ss) per visitor to the site.

Bounce Rate

72.30% 27.00%
  • 27%

Daily Pageviews per Visitor

1.50 39.52%
  • -39.52%

Daily Time on Site

1:21 11.00%
  • 11%

Who visits

Audience Demographics
The audience demographics data comes from voluntary demographics information submitted by people in our global traffic panel. The data is for the past 12 months, updated monthly. Learn more

The demographics data consists of:

Audience Geography
The audience geography data describes where visitors to this site over the past month are located, and how the site is ranked in popular countries. If a country is not listed, it is because Alexa does not have enough data for this site to rank/measure the site's popularity among that country's online population. These metrics are updated monthly.

Audience Demographics

How similar is this site's audience to the general internet population?

    Relative to the general internet population, Males are greatly over-represented at this site.

Confidence: low
    No data available for Females
No College
    No data available for people who did not go to college
Some College
    No data available for people some college education
Graduate School
    Relative to the general internet population, people who went to graduate school are under-represented at this site.

Confidence: low
    Relative to the general internet population, people who went to college are over-represented at this site.

Confidence: low
Browsing Location
    Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from home are greatly over-represented at this site.

Confidence: low
    No data available for people browsing from school
    Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from work are greatly under-represented at this site.

Confidence: low

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  • - Age, income, children, ethnicity
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Audience Geography

Where are this site's visitors located?

Visitors by Country

The map of the world
Country Percent of Visitors Rank in Country
United States Flag  United States 74.7% 345,479

What sites link to

The "Sites Linking In" count shows the number of sites that Alexa found that link to this site. For more information please see this explanation of how Alexa determines the number of sites linking in.

The complete list of sites linking to this site is available to Alexa Pro subscribers.

Total Sites Linking In
Site Global Rank Page
1. 108
2. 102
3. 351
4. 540
5. 231 Program?q...
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Where do visitors go on

The table shows the top subdomains for this site ordered by the percentage of visitors that visited the subdomain over a month. Note that the percentages can add up to more than 100% because a visitor can visit multiple subdomains during the month.

Updated Monthly.

Subdomain Percent of Visitors 100.00%

Where can I find more info about

Site Description
A short description of the site.

How to contact the owner of the site.

Site Description

Includes news, links, and information.


Domain Webmaster
195 W Broad St
Salunga, PA 17538
crobbins [at]

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